Ewelina Laskowska


"I am a dentist specializing in orthodontics." The health and satisfaction of patients is the most important thing to me. Since the beginning of my career, I have been constantly taking part in courses to improve my qualifications in order to be able to offer you the best solutions to problems in the field of orthodontics, interdisciplinary and holistic dentistry. In his orthodontic practice, he uses the most modern low-friction appliances of the American Damon system. I am a participant in the international series of orthodontic trainings Master International Damon in Madrid and Master Technician Damon of the Australian pioneer of orthodontics Derek Mahony. Since then, I have been associated with the Medical University in Wrocław as a teaching assistant in the Department of Oral Pathology, being a specialist in diseases of the mucous membranes. He is also the author of publications in this field. In her private time, she is a lover of traveling and cycling. I graduated from the Medical University of Lublin.

Umów się na wizytę

Ewelina Laskowska


Umów się na wizytę

"I am a dentist specializing in orthodontics." The health and satisfaction of patients is the most important thing to me. Since the beginning of my career, I have been constantly taking part in courses to improve my qualifications in order to be able to offer you the best solutions to problems in the field of orthodontics, interdisciplinary and holistic dentistry. In his orthodontic practice, he uses the most modern low-friction appliances of the American Damon system. I am a participant in the international series of orthodontic trainings Master International Damon in Madrid and Master Technician Damon of the Australian pioneer of orthodontics Derek Mahony. Since then, I have been associated with the Medical University in Wrocław as a teaching assistant in the Department of Oral Pathology, being a specialist in diseases of the mucous membranes. He is also the author of publications in this field. In her private time, she is a lover of traveling and cycling. I graduated from the Medical University of Lublin.
